
6 Factors to Achieving Sustainability in Pumping Technology

Posted on14/04/2022

Sustainability is a trendy buzzword in the construction sector these days. The pressure to reduce emissions and resources is at an all-time high. Since customers favour companies that engage in eco-friendly practices, businesses with a sustainability framework enjoy a competitive advantage.

Some companies or pump operators may think sustainable equipment is too costly or inefficient to get the job done. However, they couldn't be more wrong — after all, the aim of sustainability is meeting the triple bottom line of people, planet, and profit. In other words, successful sustainability campaigns help the environment and help boost profits. 

If you want to ensure a greater level of sustainability in your worksite, you can begin by endorsing these factors in your equipment. 

1. Intended application

You should first consult with a pump engineer to determine how much flow and pressure you need to get a job done when it comes to pumping equipment. More power is not always better, and too much or too little PSI or GMP results in either wasted products or inconsistent coverage. The most effective pump systems are suited to their specific environment. Otherwise, they use a disproportionate amount of resources while performing at lower levels of efficiency and output. 

2. Quality of the equipment

Owners also contribute to sustainability by ensuring their equipment doesn't end up in landfills. A high-quality engine pump in Singapore comprises durable materials that last for years and save money in the long run. On the other hand, inferior equipment frequently breaks down and requires constant replacements.

3. Power source 

Is the pump driven by gas or electricity? Gas-powered engines use fossil fuels to operate and emit substantial greenhouse gases and particulates. There are applications where gas-powered pumps are crucial, but in many cases, they are excessive. Most commercial pump applications have low-flow requirements where electrical units are ideal. 

4. Noise levels

How loud is the pump? Some people may not consider noise pollution as significant, but it does have a considerable impact on people and wildlife. Prolonged exposure to decibels above 85 already requires hearing protection, and high noise levels tend to come along with high power requirements and excess emissions. 

5. Pump size

Bigger is not always better. A bigger pump doesn't necessarily ensure added power; in fact, it may only result in energy waste and overspending. Oversized pumps are also at a greater risk involving wear and erosion, and they are more susceptible to leakage and operational issues.

On the other hand, if the pump is too small, it can lag behind the system and place undue stress on components, resulting in cracks, corrosion, or equipment fatigue. Consequently, the entire operation will suffer. The best pumping technology matches the precise needs of its system or environment. 

6. Routine maintenance 

High-quality pumping equipment like a dosing pump can provide excellent service for many years, but its quality will degrade without regular service and maintenance, resulting in shorter lifecycles and higher expenses. Plant managers must prioritise routine maintenance to keep the pump running efficiently, and a team of trained professionals should regularly and thoroughly inspect the system. 

Similarly, one should know when to upgrade their unit to a more efficient model. They should likewise weigh their options since some models offer higher efficiency, but they may not be the most eco-friendly equipment available. 


Since customers are increasingly scrutinising businesses' environmental practices, promoting and practising sustainability will help your company's bottom line. Facility managers can use the above guidelines to take the first steps towards a more eco-friendly business model.  


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